- IPSO20220328141319XSG
The current IPSO number is valid and correspond to Certificate of anteriority No 4079 delivered by Copyright.eu (provided by Datasure)
- Voyage en parentalité
- By Chloé Elkaïm
- Qualified Electronic Timestamp : 28-03-22 à 16h42
- Digest (SHA256) : aa29d472ab99de37bc9a2e22b4e95b6656117bff5e0ae6dc3f9e94c576702b36
The holder of the corresponding certificate or document has proof with a certain date in order to assert his rights. The certificate is not disclosed here, only its unique digital fingerprint is visible, calculated according to the SHA256 hash algorithm.
Extract from article L335-2 of the french Intellectual Property Code: “Any edition of writings, musical composition, drawing, painting or any other production, printed or engraved in whole or in part, in defiance of the laws and regulations relating to the property of the authors, is an infringement and any infringement is an offense. […]”